Saturday, January 15, 2011

First Couple of Weeks

Hello to my many followers (Jessica and Mom and Dad),

The first week and a half in Edinburgh has been great. The first week I stayed with Craig and his family who showed me around the town and what typical Scottish culture was like. His Mom cooked me mince and tatties which were delicious. I also went out with Craig and his friends a lot which was a good way to meet new people and see the town at night. The town itself is really nice because its all old stone buildings with the castle in the middle of everything. The weather is not as bad it is mad out to be. I was only really cold when I was playing soccer with Craig's friends (i got destroyed). I have had fish and chips as well which was really filling. They put "brown sauce" on all there fries which is a bit weird because it is a vinegar sauce but I have started to like it. I moved into my apartment last Friday which went well and I got a chance to meet all my roommates. It is a pretty diverse flat. Andrew is from Cali, Mikal is from Poland, Ricardo is from Puerile Rico, and Jorge is from Portugal. There is already an xbox and tv in our common area and also a lot of dirty dishes so it reminds me of my old apartment.
Edinburgh is a very walkable city and I have walked most everywhere you can go. Prince's street is in the middle of the city with castle next to you. I tried haggis the other day and I actually liked it a lot, even though it looked like mush. So far we have just been walking around the city and getting our bearing. Yesterday we went to Arther's seat which has an amazing view of the whole city. It was extremal windy at the top almost to a point where it was hard to keep your balance. It is located in Holyrood park which is a nice place to walk around. I plan to do many other things around Edinburgh and Ill keep you posted

1 comment:

  1. Your many followers are really excited about this blog posting hahaha! Its great, you are hilarious. Glad you are having fun!
